Defunkt Magazine Launch Party

Melange Creperie Thursday, August 1, 2019

By Tamara Al-Qaisi-Coleman

Defunkt Magazine began as a way for me and my fellow editors to do what we wanted. The magazine that we had all worked for previously made it hard for us to do what we wanted. Houston has such large literary, art, music, comedy, and performance communities it didn't make sense that they all didn't interact more. Thus our amazing co-editors Miranda Ramirez and Chris Flakus created Defunkt. We had been working since April marketing our submissions, launch party, creating merchandise to make our magazine a success.

The day of the launch everyone was on edge. I had to drop off my family at the airport that morning at 7 AM followed by my 9-5 at Writers in the Schools. I gripped the mug of my latte trying to chug it all down before we started setting up. The traffic coming up to the Heights was ridiculous and set everyone back on timing. However, when the event started it was an out-of-body experience. The place was completely packed. 

We had filled the inside, patio, and back seating area of the Creperie with people who wanted to see us succeed. It was surreal. People who I had viewed as unattainable because of their fame and status in the community had become friends. This launch couldn't have been as successful as it was without the help of the people in this community. I am so eternally grateful for them. 

The food was amazing. Crepes, coffee, booze, and poetry? I couldn't have thought of a better combination. Our line-up of performers including Lupe Mendez, Joshua Nguyen, and Obi Umeuzor moved us with their words. We had artists and musicians come and showcase their talents. The night was beyond anything I could've hoped for. 

A great thanks to everyone. In the meantime, you can submit your work to and come to our next event!


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